The Minor Arcana in the Tarot deck is made up of 56 cards (divided into 4 suits: Rods, Swords, Cups and Pentacles), a while back I did the aces in each suit. It sort of felt right to do them together: The focus and inspiration is centred on the number, with a different meaning attached to each suit… and so I think I will continue along that line:  i.e. draw each number-card across the 4 suits, instead of say drawing a full suit before moving on, or picking cards at random to draw…

I finally finished the Swords in the ‘Twos’ today, it has been lagging behind – as I’ve almost finished the 3 and 4 cards in each suit. Sometimes a drawing will kick up a fuss and won’t feel right, so I need to give it a rest before continuing.

Brief meaning of each Number 2 in the minor arcana:

  • II – Swords – in a safe and secluded place, looking inward, seeking to make the right choice
  • II – Pentacles – effort is required to find balance and harmony in life during unsteady times
  • II – Cups – mutual love & understanding
  • II – Rods – a path of research and learning to develop ideas and self 

#2 in the four suits: Swords, Pentacles, Cups & Rods

I’m hoping to update a little more regularly on the progress of these cards.
Thank you for visiting and take care!

Annette :)

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Diane

    They are beautiful. What an amazing job… I know that it will eventually be one of the best (if not the best) Tarot decks available.

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